Trump threatened a "substantial" increase in sanctions against Iran


      Trump also accused Iran of secretly enriching uranium for a long time, but he did not provide evidence. Iran said after a meeting of the 35 countries in Vienna that it had "nothing to hide". United Nations inspectors have found that Iran has not conducted secret enrichment activities since long before the signing of the Iranian nuclear agreement in 2015.
The United States used an emergency meeting of the Board of Governors of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Wednesday to accuse Iran of blackmail by breaking the uranium enrichment ceiling stipulated in the nuclear agreement, but was still willing to negotiate with Tehran.
Iran said it was in response to the severe economic sanctions imposed on Iran since the United States withdrew from the Iranian nuclear agreement in 2018. Iran also said that if the United States recognises the Iranian nuclear treaty, all measures taken by the Iraqi side will be reversible.
"Iran has been secretly enriching for a long time, in complete violation of the terrible $150 billion deal made by Kerry and the Obama administration." Trump said on Twitter.
"Keep in mind that the agreement will expire in a few years. Sanctions will soon increase substantially!"
It is not clear whether Trump is referring to previously well-known activities or to a new charge.
After Trump's speech, Kazim Gharib Abadi, Iran's Permanent Representative to IAEA, told reporters that all Iranian nuclear activities were under close scrutiny by IAEA inspectors.
"We have nothing to hide," he said after the IAEA meeting. The meeting did not take any action against Iran.
In an interview with a German newspaper published earlier in the day, Abadi said that if other signatories to the nuclear agreement abide by their commitments, Iran also intends to continue to abide by the agreement.
"If all parties in the agreement can fulfill their obligations equally, everything can be reversed in an hour," Abadi said in an interview with the German Times.

  • Details: Trump threatened a "substantial" increase in sanctions against Iran

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