The Sino-US Economic and Trade Team is earnestly implementing


      Speaker Gao Feng of the Ministry of Commerce of China said Thursday that the leaders of the high-level economic and trade consultation between China and the United States spoke by telephone on the 9th, and the economic and trade teams of the two sides are earnestly implementing the important consensus of the two heads of state.
At a press conference held by the Ministry of Commerce, he said that economic and trade consultations would be resumed on the basis of equality and mutual respect, in accordance with the requirements of consensus. China's core concerns must be properly addressed. He believed that the two sides would take care of each other's concerns through equal dialogue, and that solutions to the problems would be found.
"With regard to the restrictions imposed by the United States on Chinese enterprises such as Huawei, we hope that the United States will cancel its repressive and sanction measures against Chinese enterprises as soon as possible and promote the healthy and stable development of Sino-US economic and trade relations." "We urge the U.S. side to truly implement its commitment and stop the wrong practice of using state power to suppress Chinese enterprises as soon as possible," Gao said.
Peak said that the past year has proved that there is no winner in the trade war. The United States adopts unilateral protectionism, which ultimately harms its own interests.
Kudrow, director of the White House National Economic Committee, also said earlier that the U.S. -China trade negotiators had a constructive conversation on Tuesday. Kudrow told reporters at the White House that the two sides were discussing holding a face-to-face meeting.

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