Bond yields test record low and sub-shares fell


      Global bond yields tested at record lows on Thursday, while stock markets struggled to rebound, prompting investors to seek hedge amid fears of a global recession triggered by trade frictions between the United States and China and the prospect of Britain's no agreement to leave Europe.
The MSCI Mingsheng Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan) index fell 0.38%, the Singapore Strait Times Index. STI hit an eight-month low, and the Nikkei Index. N225 fell 0.44%.
The S& P 500 index. SPX rose 0.65% Wednesday, partly driven by the rise in energy stocks, after oil prices rebounded. But U.S. stock index futures fell 0.4% in Asia.
Global bond markets sketched a bleak picture, with 30-year U.S. and 10-year German yields hitting record lows Wednesday at 1.905% and 0.716%, respectively.
Inversion remains a significant feature of the Treasury yield curve, a disturbing sign that has been a reliable leading indicator of future recession in the United States.
Italian 10-year bond yields briefly fell below 1%, the first time in history. Investors are buying Italian bonds in part because of rising hopes that Italy will soon form a new government and avoid elections. Italian bond yields are higher than those of the euro zone's "core" national bonds.

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