The beheading of Sulaimani, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard's al Quds brigade in Iran, triggered a threat of retaliation from the Iranian government and led to an escalation of tensions between the United States and Iran.
According to Mashable, Google's search volume for keywords such as "age of conscription" and "avoiding conscription" surged after the US launched an air raid on Baghdad on the 3rd. In addition, the website of the U.S. military service registration bureau, which is responsible for military conscription registration, was paralyzed due to traffic overload.
According to CNN, the U.S. conscription system ended in 1973. The U.S. military has a conscription system, with 1.2 million standing troops. Forced conscription is just a rumor on the Internet. But it does not mean that military service registration can be evaded. Under US law, all men between the ages of 18 and 25 must provide basic personal information to the military service registration system, otherwise they will be subject to legal sanctions.
On the 3rd local time, the U.S. military service registration bureau tweeted to refute the rumor, saying that "due to the spread of false information, our website is currently experiencing a lot of traffic. If you are trying to register or verify your registration, please check back later today and we are working to resolve this issue. We thank you for your patience. "
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